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Publication: Burgin, Connor, Kai He, Rudolf Haslauer, et al. / Don E. Wilson and Russell A. Mittermeier, eds. 2018 Family Soricidae (Shrews) Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Vol. 8: Insectivores, Sloths and Colugos 332-550

ITIS records citing this publication
 Kingdom Animalia
  Anourosorex A. Milne-Edwards, 1872 -- valid
  Anourosorex assamensis Anderson, 1875 -- valid -- Assam Mole Shrew
  Anourosorex schmidi Petter, 1963 -- valid -- Giant Mole Shrew
  Anourosorex squamipes A. Milne-Edwards, 1872 -- valid -- Chinese Mole Shrew, Mole Shrew
  Anourosorex squamipes yamashinai Kuroda, 1935 -- invalid
  Anourosorex yamashinai Kuroda, 1935 -- valid -- Taiwanese Mole Shrew
  Anourosoricini Anderson, 1879 -- valid -- mole shrews
  Atophyrax bendirii Merriam, 1884 -- invalid
  Blarina Gray, 1838 -- valid -- American short-tailed shrews
  Blarina alticola Merriam, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarina berlandieri Baird, 1858 -- invalid
  Blarina brevicauda shermani Hamilton, 1955 -- invalid -- Sherman's short-tailed shrew
  Blarina brevicaudus (Say, 1823) -- valid -- Northern Short-tailed Shrew
  Blarina brevicaudus aloga Bangs, 1902 -- valid
  Blarina brevicaudus angusta R. M. Anderson, 1943 -- valid
  Blarina brevicaudus brevicaudus (Say, 1823) -- valid
  Blarina brevicaudus churchi Bole and Moulthrop, 1942 -- valid
  Blarina brevicaudus compacta Bangs, 1902 -- valid -- Nantucket short-tailed shrew
  Blarina brevicaudus hooperi Bole and Moulthrop, 1942 -- valid
  Blarina brevicaudus kirtlandi Bole and Moulthrop, 1942 -- valid
  Blarina brevicaudus manitobensis R. M. Anderson, 1947 -- valid
  Blarina brevicaudus pallida R. W. Smith, 1940 -- valid
  Blarina brevicaudus talpoides (Gapper, 1830) -- valid
  Blarina brevicaudus telmalestes Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Blarina carolinensis (Bachman, 1837) -- valid -- Southern Short-tailed Shrew
  Blarina carolinensis carolinensis (Bachman, 1837) -- valid
  Blarina carolinensis minima Lowery, 1943 -- valid
  Blarina equatoris Thomas, 1912 -- invalid
  Blarina hylophaga Elliot, 1899 -- valid -- Elliot's Short-tailed Shrew
  Blarina hylophaga hylophaga Elliot, 1899 -- valid
  Blarina hylophaga plumbea Davis, 1941 -- valid -- Aransas short-tailed shrew
  Blarina magna Merriam, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarina mayensis Merriam, 1901 -- invalid
  Blarina mexicana Coues, 1877 -- invalid
  Blarina mexicana goldmani Merriam, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarina mexicana peregrina Merriam, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarina montivaga Anthony, 1921 -- invalid
  Blarina nelsoni Merriam, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarina nigrescens J. A. Allen, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarina obscura Merriam, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarina orophila J. A. Allen, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarina peninsulae Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- Everglades Short-tailed Shrew
  Blarina shermani Hamilton, 1955 -- valid -- Sherman's Short-tailed Shrew
  Blarina soricina Merriam, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarina squamipes J. A. Allen, 1912 -- invalid
  Blarina thomasi Merriam, 1897 -- invalid
  Blarina tropicalis Merriam, 1895 -- invalid
  Blarinella Thomas, 1911 -- valid -- West Asian short-tailed shrews
  Blarinella griselda Thomas, 1912 -- invalid -- Indochinese Short-tailed Shrew
  Blarinella quadraticauda (A. Milne-Edwards, 1872) -- valid -- Asiatic Short-tailed Shrew, Sichuan Short-tailed Shrew
  Blarinella wardi Thomas, 1915 -- valid -- Burmese Short-tailed Shrew, Ward's Short-tailed Shrew
  Blarinellini Reumer, 1998 -- valid -- Asiatic short-tailed shrews
  Blarinini Kretzoi, 1965 -- valid -- small-eared shrews, American short-tailed shrews
  Chimarrogale Anderson, 1877 -- valid
  Chimarrogale hantu Harrison, 1958 -- valid -- Malayan Water Shrew, Hantu Water Shrew
  Chimarrogale himalayica (Gray, 1842) -- valid -- Himalayan Water Shrew
  Chimarrogale leader Thomas, 1902 -- valid -- Leander's Water Shrew
  Chimarrogale phaeura Thomas, 1898 -- valid -- Bornean Water Shrew, Sunda Water Shrew
  Chimarrogale platycephala (Temminck, 1842) -- invalid -- Flat-headed Water Shrew
  Chimarrogale styani de Winton, 1899 -- valid -- Chinese Water Shrew, Styan's Water Shrew
  Chimarrogale sumatrana (Thomas, 1921) -- valid -- Sumatran Water Shrew, Sumatra Water Shrew
  Chodsigoa Kastschenko, 1907 -- valid
  Chodsigoa caovansunga Lunde, Musser and Son, 2003 -- valid -- Van Sung's Shrew, Van Sung's Brown-toothed Shrew
  Chodsigoa furva Anthony, 1941 -- valid -- Dusky Brown-toothed Shrew
  Chodsigoa hoffmanni Chen Zhongzheng et al., 2017 -- valid -- Hoffmann's Brown-toothed Shrew
  Chodsigoa hypsibia (de Winton, 1899) -- valid -- De Winton's Brown-toothed Shrew, De Winton's Shrew
  Chodsigoa hypsibia hypsibia (de Winton, 1899) -- valid
  Chodsigoa hypsibia larvarum Thomas, 1911 -- valid
  Chodsigoa lamula Thomas, 1912 -- invalid -- Lamulate Shrew
  Chodsigoa parca G. M. Allen, 1923 -- valid -- Lowe's Shrew, Lowe's Brown-toothed Shrew
  Chodsigoa parca lowei Osgood, 1932 -- valid
  Chodsigoa parca parca G. M. Allen, 1923 -- valid
  Chodsigoa parva G. M. Allen, 1923 -- valid -- Pygmy Brown-toothed Shrew
  Chodsigoa salenskii (Kastschenko, 1907) -- valid -- Salenski's Shrew, Salenski's Brown-toothed Shrew
  Chodsigoa smithii Thomas, 1911 -- valid -- Smith's Brown-toothed Shrew, Smith's Shrew
  Chodsigoa smithii furva Anthony, 1941 -- invalid
  Chodsigoa sodalis Thomas, 1913 -- valid -- Lesser Taiwanese Shrew, Lesser Taiwanese Brown-toothed Shrew
  Congosorex Heim de Balsac and Lamotte, 1956 -- valid
  Congosorex phillipsorum Stanley, Rogers and Hutterer, 2005 -- valid -- Phillips's Congo Shrew
  Congosorex polli (Heim de Balsac and Lamotte, 1956) -- valid -- Greater Congo Shrew, Poll's Shrew
  Congosorex verheyeni Hutterer, Barriere and Colyn, 2002 -- valid -- Lesser Congo Shrew
  Corsira nigrescens Gray, 1842 -- invalid
  Crocidura Wagler, 1832 -- valid
  Crocidura abscondita Eselstyn, Achmadi and Maharadatunkamsi, 2014 -- valid -- Javan Long-tailed White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura afeworkbekelei Lavrenchenko, Voyta and Hutterer, 2016 -- valid -- Bekele's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura aleksandrisi Vesmanis, 1977 -- valid -- Cyrenaica White-toothed Shrew, Cyrenaica Shrew, Alexandrian Shrew
  Crocidura allex Osgood, 1910 -- valid -- East African White-toothed Highland Shrew, East African Highland Shrew, Highland Shrew
  Crocidura andamanensis G. S. Miller, 1902 -- valid -- Andaman White-toothed Shrew, Andaman Shrew
  Crocidura annamitensis Jenkins, Lunde and Moncrieff, 2009 -- valid -- Annamite White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura ansellorum Hutterer and Dippenaar, 1987 -- valid -- Ansell's White-toothed Shrew, Ansell's Shrew
  Crocidura arabica Hutterer and Harrison, 1988 -- valid -- Arabian White-toothed Shrew, Arabian Shrew
  Crocidura arispa Spitzenberger, 1971 -- valid -- Jackass Shrew, Jackass White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura armenica Gureev, 1963 -- invalid -- Armenian Shrew
  Crocidura attenuata A. Milne-Edwards, 1872 -- valid -- Asian Gray White-toothed Shrew, Asian Gray Shrew, Indochinese Shrew
  Crocidura attila Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Hun White-toothed Shrew, Hun Shrew
  Crocidura baileyi Osgood, 1936 -- valid -- Bailey's White-toothed Shrew, Bailey's Shrew
  Crocidura baluensis Thomas, 1898 -- valid -- Kinabalu White-toothed Shrew, Kinabalu Shrew
  Crocidura batakorum Hutterer, 2007 -- valid -- Batak White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura batesi Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Bates's White-toothed Shrew, Bate's Shrew, Bates's Shrew
  Crocidura beata G. S. Miller, 1910 -- valid -- Mindanao White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura beccarii Dobson, 1887 -- valid -- Beccari's White-toothed Shrew, Beccari's Shrew
  Crocidura bottegi Thomas, 1898 -- valid -- Bottego's White-toothed Shrew, Bottego's Shrew
  Crocidura bottegoides Hutterer and Yalden, 1990 -- valid -- Bale White-toothed Shrew, Bale Shrew
  Crocidura brunnea Jentink, 1888 -- valid -- Thick-tailed Shrew, Thick-tailed White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura brunnea brunnea Jentink, 1888 -- valid
  Crocidura brunnea pudjonica Sody, 1936 -- valid
  Crocidura buettikoferi Jentink, 1888 -- valid -- Büttikofer's White-toothed Shrew, Buettikofer's Shrew
  Crocidura caliginea Hollister, 1916 -- valid -- African Dusky White-toothed Shrew, African Dusky Shrew, African Foggy Shrew
  Crocidura canariensis Hutterer, Lopez-Jurado and Vogel, 1987 -- valid -- Canarian White-toothed Shrew, Canarian Shrew, Canary Shrew
  Crocidura caspica Thomas, 1907 -- valid -- Caspian White-toothed Shrew, Caspian Shrew
  Crocidura cinderella Thomas, 1911 -- valid -- Cinderella White-toothed Shrew, Cinderella Shrew
  Crocidura congobelgica Hollister, 1916 -- valid -- Congo White-toothed Shrew, Congo Shrew
  Crocidura cranbrooki Jenkins, Lunde and Moncrieff, 2009 -- valid -- Cranbrook's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura crenata Brosset, Dubost and Heim de Balsac, 1965 -- valid -- Long-footed White-toothed Shrew, Long-footed Shrew
  Crocidura crossei Thomas, 1895 -- valid -- Crosse's White-toothed Shrew, Crosse's Shrew
  Crocidura cyanea (Duvernoy, 1838) -- valid -- Reddish-gray White-toothed Shrew, Reddish-gray Musk Shrew
  Crocidura dayi Dobson, 1888 -- invalid
  Crocidura denti Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Dent's White-toothed Shrew, Dent's Shrew
  Crocidura desperata Hutterer, Jenkins and Verheyen, 1991 -- valid -- Desperate White-toothed Shrew, Desperate Shrew
  Crocidura dhofarensis Hutterer and Harrison, 1988 -- valid -- Dhofar White-toothed Shrew, Dhofar Shrew, Dhofarian Shrew
  Crocidura dolichura Peters, 1876 -- valid -- Long-tailed White-toothed Shrew, Long-tailed Musk Shrew
  Crocidura douceti Heim de Balsac, 1958 -- valid -- Doucet's White-toothed Shrew, Doucet's Musk Shrew
  Crocidura dracula Thomas, 1912 -- valid -- Large White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura dsinezumi (Temminck, 1842) -- valid -- Dsinezumi White-toothed Shrew, Dsinezumi Shrew
  Crocidura eburnea Heim de Balsac, 1958 -- valid -- Ivory Coast White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura eisentrauti Heim de Balsac, 1957 -- valid -- Eisentraut's White-toothed Shrew, Eisentraut's Shrew
  Crocidura elgonius Osgood, 1910 -- valid -- Elgon White-toothed Shrew, Elgon Shrew
  Crocidura elongata G. S. Miller and Hollister, 1921 -- valid -- Elongated White-toothed Shrew, Elongated Shrew
  Crocidura erica Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Heather White-toothed Shrew, Heather Shrew
  Crocidura fingui Ceríaco et al., 2015 -- valid -- Fingui White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura fischeri Pagenstecher, 1885 -- valid -- Fischer's White-toothed Shrew, Fischer's Shrew
  Crocidura flavescens (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827) -- valid -- Greater Red Musk Shrew, Greater Red White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura floweri Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Flower's Shrew, Flower's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura foetida Peters, 1870 -- valid -- Bornean Shrew, Bornean White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura foetida doriae Peters, 1870 -- valid
  Crocidura foetida foetida Peters, 1870 -- valid
  Crocidura foetida kelabit Medway, 1965 -- valid
  Crocidura foxi Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Fox's Shrew, Fox's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura fuliginosa (Blyth, 1855) -- valid -- Southeast Asian Shrew, Southeast Asian White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura fulvastra (Sundevall, 1843) -- valid -- Savanna Shrew, Savanna White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura fumosa Thomas, 1904 -- valid -- Smoky White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura fuscomurina (Heuglin, 1865) -- valid -- Bicolored Musk Shrew, Tiny Musk Shrew, Bicolored African White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura gathornei Jenkins, 2013 -- valid -- Gathorne's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura glassi Heim de Balsac, 1966 -- valid -- Glass's Shrew, Glass's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura goliath Thomas, 1906 -- valid -- Goliath Shrew, Goliath White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura goliath nimbasilvanus Hutterer, 2003 -- invalid
  Crocidura gracilipes Peters, 1870 -- valid -- Peters's Musk Shrew, Peters's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura grandiceps Hutterer, 1983 -- valid -- Large-headed Shrew, Large-headed White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura grandis G. S. Miller, 1911 -- valid -- Greater Mindanao Shrew, Mount Malindang Shrew, Mt. Malindang Shrew, Mount Malindang White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura grassei Brosset, Dubost and Heim de Balsac, 1965 -- valid -- Grasse's Shrew, Grasse's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura grayi Dobson, 1890 -- valid -- Luzon Shrew, Luzon White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura greenwoodae Heim de Balsac, 1966 -- valid -- Greenwood's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura gueldenstaedtii (Pallas, 1811) -- valid -- Gueldenstaedt's Shrew, Güldenstädt's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura gueldenstaedtii cypria Bate, 1903 -- valid
  Crocidura gueldenstaedtii gueldenstaedtii (Pallas, 1811) -- valid
  Crocidura gueldenstaedtii iculisma Mottaz, 1908 -- valid
  Crocidura gueldenstaedtii mimula G. S. Miller, 1901 -- valid
  Crocidura guy Jenkins, Lunde and Moncrieff, 2009 -- valid -- Vietnamese White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura harenna Hutterer and Yalden, 1990 -- valid -- Harenna Shrew, Harenna White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura hikmiya S. Meegaskumbura et al., 2007 -- valid -- Sinharaja White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura hildegardeae Thomas, 1904 -- valid -- Hildegarde's Shrew, Hildegarde's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura hilliana Jenkins and Smith, 1995 -- valid -- Hill's Shrew, Hill's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura hirta Peters, 1852 -- valid -- Lesser Red Musk Shrew, Lesser Red White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura hispida Thomas, 1913 -- valid -- Andaman Spiny Shrew, Andaman Spiny White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura horsfieldii Tomes, 1856 -- valid -- Horsfield's Shrew, Horsfield's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura hosei Thomas, 1893 -- invalid
  Crocidura hutanis Ruedi and Vogel, 1995 -- valid -- Hutan White-toothed Shrew, Hutan Shrew
  Crocidura indochinensis Robinson and Kloss, 1922 -- valid -- Indochinese Shrew, Indochinese White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura jacksoni Thomas, 1904 -- valid -- Jackson's Shrew, Jackson's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura jenkinsi Chakraborty, 1978 -- valid -- Jenkin's Shrew, Jenkin's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura jouvenetae Heim de Balsac, 1958 -- valid -- Jouvenet's White-toothed Shrew, Jouvenet's Shrew
  Crocidura katinka Bate, 1937 -- valid -- Katinka's Shrew, Katinka's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura kegoensis Lunde, Musser and Ziegler, 2004 -- valid -- Ke Go White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura kivuana Heim de Balsac, 1968 -- valid -- Kivu Shrew, Kivu White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura lamottei Heim de Balsac, 1968 -- valid -- Lamotte's Shrew, Lamotte's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura lamottei elegans Hutterer, 1986 -- invalid
  Crocidura lanosa Heim de Balsac, 1968 -- valid -- Kivu Long-haired Shrew, Lemara Shrew, Kivu Long-haired White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura lasiura Dobson, 1890 -- valid -- Ussuri White-toothed Shrew, Ussuri Shrew
  Crocidura latona Hollister, 1916 -- valid -- Latona's Shrew, Latona Shrew, Latona's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura lea G. S. Miller and Hollister, 1921 -- valid -- Sulawesi Shrew, Lesser Black-footed White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura lepidura Lyon, 1908 -- valid -- Sumatran Giant White-toothed Shrew, Sumatran Giant Shrew
  Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) -- valid -- Bicolored Shrew, Bicolored White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura leucodon judaica Thomas, 1919 -- valid
  Crocidura leucodon kuzjakini Sokolov and Tembotov, 1989 -- valid
  Crocidura leucodon lasia Thomas, 1906 -- valid
  Crocidura leucodon leucodon (Hermann, 1780) -- valid
  Crocidura leucodon narentae Bolkay, 1925 -- valid
  Crocidura leucodon persica Thomas, 1907 -- valid
  Crocidura levicula G. S. Miller and Hollister, 1921 -- valid -- Sulawesi Tiny Shrew, Celebes Shrew, Sulawesi Tiny White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura littoralis Heller, 1910 -- valid -- Naked-tail Shrew, Butiaba Naked-tailed Shrew, Naked-tail White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura lixa Thomas, 1898 -- invalid
  Crocidura longipes Hutterer and Happold, 1983 -- valid -- Savanna Swamp Shrew, Savanna White-toothed Swamp Shrew
  Crocidura lucina Dippenaar, 1980 -- valid -- Lucina's Shrew, Moorland Shrew, Lucina's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura ludia Hollister, 1916 -- valid -- Ludia's Shrew, Dramatic Shrew, Dramatic White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura luna Dollman, 1910 -- valid -- Moonshine Shrew, Greater Gray-brown Musk Shrew, Moonshine White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura lusitania Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Mauritanian Shrew, Mauritanian White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura lwiroensis Kerbis Peterhans and Hutterer, 2013 -- valid -- Misotshi-Kabogo White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura macarthuri St. Leger, 1934 -- valid -- MacArthur's Shrew, MacArthur's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura macmillani Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- MacMillan's Shrew, MacMillan's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura macowi Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Nyiro Shrew, Macow's Shrew, Nyiro White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura malayana Robinson and Kloss, 1911 -- valid -- Malayan Shrew, Malayan White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura manengubae Hutterer, 1982 -- valid -- Manenguba Shrew, Manenguba White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura maquassiensis Roberts, 1946 -- valid -- Makwassie Musk Shrew, Maquassie Musk Shrew, Makwassie White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura mariquensis (A. Smith, 1844) -- valid -- Swamp Musk Shrew, Swamp White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura mariquensis mariquensis (A. Smith, 1844) -- valid
  Crocidura mariquensis neavei Wroughton, 1907 -- valid
  Crocidura mariquensis shortridgei St. Leger, 1932 -- valid
  Crocidura maurisca Thomas, 1904 -- valid -- Gracile Naked-tailed Shrew, Dark Shrew, Gracile White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura maurisca geata G. M. Allen and Loveridge, 1927 -- invalid
  Crocidura maxi Sody, 1936 -- valid -- Javanese Shrew, Max's Shrew, Javan White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura mdumai Stanley et al., 2015 -- valid -- Mduma's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura mindorus G. S. Miller, 1910 -- valid -- Mindoro Shrew, Mindoro White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura minuta Otten, 1917 -- invalid -- Minute Shrew
  Crocidura miya Phillips, 1929 -- valid -- Sri Lankan Long-tailed Shrew, Sri Lankan White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura monax Thomas, 1910 -- valid -- Kilimanjaro Shrew, Rombo Shrew, Kilimanjaro White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura monticola Peters, 1870 -- valid -- Sunda Shrew, Sunda White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura montis Thomas, 1906 -- valid -- Montane White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura morio Gray, 1862 -- invalid
  Crocidura munissii Stanley et al., 2015 -- valid -- Munissi's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura muricauda (G. S. Miller, 1900) -- valid -- West African Long-tailed Shrew, Mouse-tailed Shrew, West African White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura musseri Ruedi and Vogel, 1995 -- valid -- Mossy Forest Shrew, Mossy Forest White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura mutesae Heller, 1910 -- valid -- Ugandan Musk Shrew, Uganda Large-toothed Shrew, Ugandan White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura nana Dobson, 1890 -- valid -- Somali Dwarf Shrew, Dwarf White-toothed Shrew, Somali Dwarf White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura nanilla Thomas, 1909 -- valid -- Savanna Dwarf Shrew, Tiny White-toothed Shrew, Savanna Dwarf White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura neglecta Jentink, 1888 -- valid -- Neglected Shrew, Neglected White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura negligens Robinson and Kloss, 1914 -- valid -- Peninsular White-toothed Shrew, Peninsular Shrew
  Crocidura negrina Rabor, 1952 -- valid -- Negros Shrew, Negros White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura newmarki Stanley et al., 2015 -- valid -- Newmark's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura nicobarica G. S. Miller, 1902 -- valid -- Nicobar Shrew, Nicobar White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura nigeriae Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Nigerian Shrew, Nigerian White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura nigricans Bocage, 1889 -- valid -- Blackish White-toothed Shrew, Black White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura nigripes G. S. Miller and Hollister, 1921 -- valid -- Black-footed Shrew, Black-footed White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura nigripes lipara G. S. Miller and Hollister, 1921 -- invalid
  Crocidura nigripes nigripes G. S. Miller and Hollister, 1921 -- invalid
  Crocidura nigrofusca Matschie, 1895 -- valid -- African Black Shrew, Tenebrous Shrew, African Black White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura nimbae Heim de Balsac, 1956 -- valid -- Nimba Shrew, Nimba White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura nimbasilvanus Hutterer, 2003 -- valid -- Nimba Giant White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura ninoyi Esselstyn and Goodman, 2010 -- valid -- Sibuyan White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura niobe Thomas, 1906 -- valid -- Niobe's Shrew, Stony Shrew, Niobe's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura obscurior Heim de Balsac, 1958 -- valid -- West African Pygmy Shrew, Obscure White-toothed Shrew, West African Pygmy White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura olivieri (Lesson, 1827) -- valid -- African Giant Shrew, Olivier's Shrew, African Giant White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura olivieri anchietae Bocage, 1889 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri bueae Heim de Balsac and Barloy, 1966 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri cara Dollmann, 1915 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri cinereoaenea (Rüppell, 1842) -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri darfurea Thomas and Hinton, 1923 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri giffardi de Winton, 1898 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri guineensis Cabrera, 1903 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri hansruppi Hutterer, 1981 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri hedenborgiana (Sundevall, 1843) -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri kivu Osgood, 1910 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri manni Peters, 1878 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri martiensseni Neumann, 1900 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri nyansae Neumann, 1900 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri occidentalis (Pucheran, 1855) -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri odorata (LeConte, 1857) -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri spurelli Thomas, 1910 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri sururae Heller, 1910 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri toritensis Setzer, 1956 -- invalid
  Crocidura olivieri zuleika Dollman, 1915 -- invalid
  Crocidura orientalis Jentink in Weber, 1890 -- valid -- Oriental Shrew, Oriental White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura orientalis lawuana Sody, 1936 -- valid
  Crocidura orientalis orientalis Jentink in Weber, 1890 -- valid
  Crocidura orii Kuroda, 1924 -- valid -- Ryukyu Shrew, Amami Shrew, Greater Ryukyu White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura osorio Molina and Hutterer, 1989 -- invalid -- Osorio Shrew
  Crocidura pachyura (Küster, 1835) -- valid -- North African White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura palawanensis Taylor, 1934 -- valid -- Palawan Shrew, Palawan White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura panayensis Hutterer, 2007 -- valid -- Panay White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura paradoxura Dobson, 1886 -- valid -- Sumatran Long-tailed Shrew, Paradox Shrew, Sumatran Long-tailed White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura parvipes Osgood, 1910 -- valid -- Small-footed Shrew, Small-footed White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura pasha Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Sahelian Tiny Shrew, Pasha Shrew, Sahelian Tiny White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura pergrisea G. S. Miller, 1913 -- valid -- Pale Gray Shrew
  Crocidura phaeura Osgood, 1936 -- valid -- Guramba Shrew, Guramba White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura phanluongi Jenkins et al., 2010 -- valid -- Phan Luong White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura phuquocensis Abramov et al., 2008 -- valid -- Phu Quoc White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura picea Sanderson, 1940 -- valid -- Cameroonian Shrew, Pitch Shrew, Cameroon White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura pitmani Barclay, 1932 -- valid -- Pitman's Shrew, Pitman's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura planiceps Heller, 1910 -- valid -- Flat-headed Shrew, Flat-headed White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura poensis (Fraser, 1843) -- valid -- Fraser's Musk Shrew, Fraser's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura polia Hollister, 1916 -- valid -- Polia's Shrew, Fuscous Shrew, Polia's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura pullata G. S. Miller, 1911 -- valid -- Kashmir White-toothed Shrew, Dusky Shrew
  Crocidura raineyi Heller, 1912 -- valid -- Rainey's Shrew, Rainey Shrew, Rainey's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura ramona Ivanitskaya, Shenbrot and Nevo, 1996 -- valid -- Negev White-toothed Shrew, Negev Shrew
  Crocidura rapax G. M. Allen, 1923 -- valid -- Chinese White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura rapax kurodai Jameson and Jones, 1977 -- valid
  Crocidura rapax lutaoensis Fang and Lee, 2002 -- valid
  Crocidura rapax rapax G. M. Allen, 1923 -- valid
  Crocidura rapax tadae Tokuda and Kano, 1936 -- valid
  Crocidura religiosa (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827) -- valid -- Egyptian Pygmy Shrew, Egyptian Pygmy White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura rhoditis G. S. Miller and Hollister, 1921 -- valid -- Sulawesi White-handed Shrew, Temboan Shrew, Temboan White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura roosevelti (Heller, 1910) -- valid -- Roosevelt's Shrew, Roosevelt's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura russula (Hermann, 1780) -- valid -- Greater White-toothed Shrew, White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura russula cintrae G. S. Miller, 1907 -- invalid
  Crocidura russula peta Montagu and Pickford, 1923 -- invalid
  Crocidura russula pulchra Cabrera, 1907 -- invalid
  Crocidura russula russula (Hermann, 1780) -- valid
  Crocidura russula yebalensis Cabrera, 1913 -- valid
  Crocidura sapaensis Jenkins et al., 2013 -- valid -- Sa Pa White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura selina Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Ugandan Lowland Shrew, Moon Shrew, Ugandan Lowland White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura serezkyensis Laptev, 1929 -- valid -- Lesser Rock Shrew, Serezkaya Shrew, Serezkaya White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura shantungensis G. S. Miller, 1901 -- valid -- Asian Lesser White-toothed Shrew, Shantung White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura shantungensis hosletti Jameson and G. S. Jones, 1977 -- valid
  Crocidura shantungensis quelpartis Kuroda, 1934 -- valid
  Crocidura shantungensis shantungensis G. S. Miller, 1901 -- valid
  Crocidura sibirica Dukelsky, 1930 -- valid -- Siberian Shrew, Siberian White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura sicula G. S. Miller, 1900 -- valid -- Sicilian Shrew, Sicilian White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura sicula aegatensis Hutterer, 1991 -- valid
  Crocidura sicula calypso Hutterer, 1991 -- valid
  Crocidura sicula esuae Kotsakis, 1984 -- valid
  Crocidura sicula sicula G. S. Miller, 1900 -- valid
  Crocidura silacea Thomas, 1895 -- valid -- Lesser Gray-brown Musk Shrew, Lesser Gray-brown White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura smithii Thomas, 1895 -- valid -- Desert Musk Shrew, Desert White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura smithii debalsaci Hutterer, 1981 -- valid
  Crocidura smithii smithii Thomas, 1895 -- valid
  Crocidura sokolovi Jenkins et al., 2007 -- valid -- Sokolov White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura somalica Thomas, 1895 -- valid -- Somali Shrew, Somali White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura stenocephala Heim de Balsac, 1979 -- valid -- Kahuzi Swamp Shrew, Narrow-headed Shrew, Kahuzi White-toothed Swamp Shrew
  Crocidura stoliczkana Anderson, 1877 -- invalid
  Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas, 1811) -- valid -- Lesser White-toothed Shrew, Lesser Shrew
  Crocidura suaveolens ilensis G. S. Miller, 1901 -- valid
  Crocidura suaveolens pamirensis Ognev, 1928 -- valid
  Crocidura suaveolens suaveolens (Pallas, 1811) -- valid
  Crocidura susiana Redding and Lay, 1978 -- valid -- Iranian Shrew, Iranian White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura tanakae Kuroda, 1938 -- valid -- Taiwanese Gray White-toothed Shrew, Taiwanese Gray Shrew
  Crocidura tansaniana Hutterer, 1986 -- valid -- Tanzanian Shrew, Tanzanian White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura tarella Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Tarella Shrew, Ugandan Shrew, Tarella White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura tarfayensis I. Vesmanis and A. Vesmanis, 1980 -- valid -- Saharan Shrew, Tarfaya Shrew, Saharan White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura telfordi Hutterer, 1986 -- valid -- Telford's Shrew, Telford's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura tenuis (Müller, 1840) -- valid -- Timor Shrew, Thin Shrew, Timor White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura thalia Dippenaar, 1980 -- valid -- Thalia's Shrew, Thalia Shrew, Thalia's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura theresae Heim de Balsac, 1968 -- valid -- Therese's Shrew, Therese's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura thomensis (Bocage, 1887) -- valid -- São Tomé Shrew, São Tomé White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura trichura Dobson in Thomas, 1889 -- valid -- Christmas Island Shrew, Christmas Island White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura turba Dollman, 1910 -- valid -- Turbo Shrew, Tumultuous Shrew, Turbo White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura ultima Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Ultimate Shrew, Ultimate White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura umbra Demos et al., 2016 -- valid -- Javan Ghost White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura usambarae Dippenaar, 1980 -- valid -- Usambara Shrew, Usambara White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura varilla Thomas, 1895 -- invalid
  Crocidura viaria (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1834) -- valid -- Savanna Path Shrew, Savanna Path White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura virgata Sanderson, 1940 -- valid -- Mamfe White-toothed Shrew, Mamfe Shrew
  Crocidura voi Osgood, 1910 -- valid -- Voi Shrew, Voi White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura vorax G. M. Allen, 1923 -- valid -- Voracious Shrew, Voracious White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura vosmaeri Jentink, 1888 -- valid -- Banka White-toothed Shrew, Banka Shrew
  Crocidura watasei Kuroda, 1924 -- valid -- Lesser Ryukyu Shrew, Lesser Ryukyu White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura whitakeri de Winton, 1898 -- valid -- Whitaker's Shrew, Whitaker's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura wimmeri Heim de Balsac and Aellen, 1958 -- valid -- Wimmer's Shrew, Wimmer's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura wuchihensis Wang, 1966 -- valid -- Hainan White-toothed Island Shrew, Hainan Island Shrew
  Crocidura xantippe Osgood, 1910 -- valid -- Xanthippe's Shrew, Vermiculate Shrew, Xanthippe's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura yaldeni Lavrenchenko, Voyta and Hutterer, 2016 -- valid -- Yalden's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura yankariensis Hutterer and Jenkins, 1980 -- valid -- Yankari Shrew, Yankari White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura zaitsevi Jenkins et al., 2007 -- valid -- Zaitsev's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura zaphiri Dollman, 1915 -- valid -- Zaphir's Shrew, Zaphiro's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura zarudnyi Ognev, 1928 -- valid -- Zarudny's Rock Shrew, Zarudny's Shrew, Zarudny's White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura zimmeri Osgood, 1936 -- valid -- Upemba Shrew, Zimmer's Shrew, Upemba White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidura zimmermanni Wettstein, 1953 -- valid -- Cretan Shrew, Zimmermann's Shrew, Cretan White-toothed Shrew
  Crocidurinae A. Milne-Edwards, 1872 -- valid -- white-toothed shrews
  Crossogale sumatrana Thomas, 1921 -- invalid
  Crossopus himalayicus Gray, 1842 -- invalid
  Cryptotis Pomel, 1848 -- valid -- small-eared shrews
  Cryptotis alticola (Merriam, 1895) -- valid -- Central Mexican Broad-clawed Shrew, Popocatepetl Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis aroensis Quiroga-Carmona and Molinari, 2012 -- valid -- Aroa Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis berlandieri (Baird, 1858) -- valid -- Berlandier's Least Shrew
  Cryptotis brachyonyx Woodman, 2003 -- valid -- Eastern Cordillera Small-eared Shrew, Eastern Cordillera Small-footed Shrew
  Cryptotis cavatorculus Woodman, 2015 -- valid -- Santa Barbara Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis celaque Woodman, 2015 -- valid -- Celaque Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis colombianus Woodman and Timm, 1993 -- valid -- Colombian Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis dinirensis Quiroga-Carmona and DoNascimiento, 2016 -- valid -- Dinira Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis endersi Setzer, 1950 -- valid -- Enders's Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis equatoris (Thomas, 1912) -- valid -- Ecuadorean Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis evaristoi Zeballos et al., 2018 -- valid -- Evaristo's Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis goldmani (Merriam, 1895) -- valid -- Goldman's Broad-clawed Shrew, Goldman's Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis goldmani goldmani (Merriam, 1895) -- valid
  Cryptotis goldmani machetes Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Cryptotis goodwini Jackson, 1933 -- valid -- Goodwin's Broad-clawed Shrew, Goodwin's Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis gracilis G. S. Miller, 1911 -- valid -- Talamancan Small-eared Shrew, Talamancan Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis griseoventris Jackson, 1933 -- valid -- Guatemalan Broad-clawed Shrew, Dark Mexican Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis hondurensis Woodman and Timm, 1992 -- valid -- Honduran Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis lacandonensis Guevara et al., 2014 -- valid -- Lacandona Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis lacertosus Woodman, 2010 -- valid -- Muscular Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis magnimana Woodman and Timm, 1999 -- valid -- Honduran Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis magnus (Merriam, 1895) -- valid -- Big Mexican Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis mam Woodman, 2010 -- valid -- Mam Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis mayensis (Merriam, 1901) -- valid -- Yucatan Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis mccarthyi Woodman, 2015 -- valid -- Omoa Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis medellinius Thomas, 1921 -- valid -- Medellin Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis meridensis (Thomas, 1898) -- valid -- Merida Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis merriami Choate, 1970 -- valid -- Merriam's Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis merus Goldman, 1912 -- valid -- Darien Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis mexicanus (Coues, 1877) -- valid -- Small Mexican Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis monteverdensis Woodman and Timm, 2017 -- valid -- Moneverde Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis montivagus (Anthony, 1921) -- valid -- Wandering Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis nelsoni (Merriam, 1895) -- valid -- Nelson's Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis niausa Moreno and Albuja, 2014 -- valid -- Blind Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis nigrescens (J. A. Allen, 1895) -- valid -- Blackish Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis obscurus (Merriam, 1895) -- valid -- Grizzled Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis oreoryctes Woodman, 2011 -- valid -- Highland Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis orophilus (J. A. Allen, 1895) -- valid -- Central American Least Shrew
  Cryptotis osgoodi Stone, 1914 -- valid -- Osgood's Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis parvus (Say, 1823) -- valid -- North American Least Shrew
  Cryptotis parvus floridanus (Merriam, 1895) -- valid -- Small Florida Blairina
  Cryptotis parvus parvus (Say, 1823) -- valid
  Cryptotis peregrinus (Merriam, 1895) -- valid -- Oaxacan Broad-clawed Shrew
  Cryptotis pergracilis pueblensis Jackson, 1933 -- invalid
  Cryptotis perijensis Quiroga-Carmona and Woodman, 2015 -- valid -- Perija Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis peruviensis Vivar, Pacheco and Valqui, 1997 -- valid -- Peruvian Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis phillipsii (Schaldach, 1966) -- valid -- Phillips' Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis pueblensis Jackson, 1933 -- valid -- Puebla Least Shrew
  Cryptotis soricinus (Merriam, 1895) -- valid -- Mexican Least Shrew
  Cryptotis squamipes (J. A. Allen, 1912) -- valid -- Western Colombian Small-eared Shrew, Scaly-footed Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis tamensis Woodman, 2002 -- valid -- Tamá Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis thomasi (Merriam, 1897) -- valid -- Thomas' Small-eared Shrew, Thomas's Small-eared Shrew
  Cryptotis tropicalis (Merriam, 1895) -- valid -- Tropical Small-eared Shrew, Tropical Least Shrew
  Cryptotis venezuelensis Quiroga-Carmona, 2013 -- valid -- Venezuelan Small-eared Shrew
  Diplomesodon Brandt, 1852 -- valid
  Diplomesodon pulchellus (Lichtenstein, 1823) -- valid -- Piebald Shrew
  Episoriculus Ellermann and Morrison-Scott, 1951 -- valid
  Episoriculus baileyi (Thomas, 1914) -- valid -- Bailey's Brown-toothed Shrew
  Episoriculus fumidus (Thomas, 1913) -- valid -- Taiwanese Brown-toothed Shrew, Taiwan Brown-toothed Shrew
  Episoriculus leucops (Horsfield, 1855) -- valid -- Long-tailed Brown-toothed Shrew
  Episoriculus macrurus (Blanford, 1888) -- valid -- Long-tailed Mountain Shrew, Arboreal Brown-toothed Shrew
  Episoriculus macrurus irene (Thomas, 1911) -- valid
  Episoriculus macrurus macrurus (Blanford, 1888) -- valid
  Episoriculus sacratus (Thomas, 1911) -- valid -- Sichuan Brown-toothed Shrew
  Episoriculus soluensis (Gruber, 1969) -- valid -- Nepalese Brown-toothed Shrew
  Episoriculus umbrinus (G. M. Allen, 1923) -- valid -- Hidden Brown-toothed Shrew
  Euroscaptor grandis G. S. Miller, 1940 -- valid -- Greater Chinese Mole
  Feroculus Kelaart, 1852 -- valid
  Feroculus feroculus (Kelaart, 1850) -- valid -- Kelaart's Long-clawed Shrew
  Heliosorex roosevelti Heller, 1910 -- invalid
  Megasorex Hibbard, 1950 -- valid
  Megasorex gigas (Merriam, 1897) -- valid -- Mexican Shrew
  Myosorex Gray, 1838 -- valid
  Myosorex babaulti Heim de Balsac and Lamotte, 1956 -- valid -- Babault's Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex blarina Thomas, 1906 -- valid -- Montane Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex buruiensis Kerbis Peterhans and Hutterer, 2010 -- valid -- Bururi Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex cafer (Sundevall, 1846) -- valid -- Dark-footed Mouse Shrew, Dark-footed Forest Shrew
  Myosorex eisentrauti Heim de Balsac, 1968 -- valid -- Eisentraut's Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex geata (G. M. Allen and Loveridge, 1927) -- valid -- Geata Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex gnoskei Kerbis Peterhans et al., 2008 -- valid -- Nyika Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex jejei Kerbis Peterhans and Hutterer, 2010 -- valid -- Kahuzi Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex johnstoni Dobson, 1888 -- invalid
  Myosorex kabogoensis Kerbis Peterhans and Hutterer, 2013 -- valid -- Kabogo Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex kihaulei Stanley and Hutterer, 2000 -- valid -- Kihaule's Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex longicaudatus Meester and Dippenaar, 1978 -- valid -- Long-tailed Forest Shrew, Long-tailed Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex longicaudatus boosmani Dippenaar, 1995 -- valid
  Myosorex longicaudatus longicaudatus Meester and Dippenaar, 1978 -- valid
  Myosorex meesteri P. J. Taylor et al., 2013 -- valid -- Meester's Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex muricauda G. S. Miller, 1900 -- invalid
  Myosorex okuensis Heim de Balsac, 1968 -- valid -- Oku Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex polli Heim de Balsac and Lamotte, 1956 -- invalid
  Myosorex rumpii Heim de Balsac, 1968 -- valid -- Rumpi Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex schalleri Heim de Balsac, 1966 -- valid -- Schaller's Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex sclateri Thomas and Schwann, 1905 -- valid -- Sclater's Mouse Shrew, Sclater's Tiny Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex tenuis Thomas and Schwann, 1905 -- valid -- Thin Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex varius (Smuts, 1832) -- valid -- Forest Shrew, South African Mouse Shrew
  Myosorex zinki Heim de Balsac and Lamotte, 1956 -- valid -- Kilimanjaro Mouse Shrew
  Myosoricinae Kretzoi, 1965 -- valid -- central and southern African shrews
  Nectogale A. Milne-Edwards, 1870 -- valid
  Nectogale elegans A. Milne-Edwards, 1870 -- valid -- Elegant Water Shrew
  Nectogalini Anderson, 1879 -- valid -- Old World water shrews, brown-toothed shrews
  Neomys Kaup, 1829 -- valid
  Neomys anomalus Cabrera, 1907 -- valid -- Mediterranean Water Shrew, Southern Water Shrew
  Neomys anomalus anomalus Cabrera, 1907 -- valid
  Neomys anomalus josti V. Martino and E. Martino, 1940 -- valid
  Neomys anomalus milleri Mottaz, 1907 -- valid
  Neomys anomalus mokrzeckii E. Martino and V. Martino, 1917 -- valid
  Neomys anomalus rhenanus Lehmann, 1976 -- valid
  Neomys anomalus soricoides Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Neomys fodiens (Pennant, 1771) -- valid -- Eurasian Water Shrew
  Neomys fodiens bicolor (G. Shaw, 1791) -- valid
  Neomys fodiens fodiens (Pennant, 1771) -- valid
  Neomys fodiens niethammeri Bühler, 1963 -- valid
  Neomys fodiens orientis Thomas, 1914 -- valid
  Neomys teres G. S. Miller, 1908 -- valid -- Transcaucasian Water Shrew
  Neomys teres balkaricus Ognev, 1926 -- valid
  Neomys teres leptodactylus Satunin, 1914 -- valid
  Neomys teres schelkovnikovi Satunin, 1913 -- valid
  Neomys teres teres G. S. Miller, 1908 -- valid
  Neosorex albibarbis Cope, 1862 -- invalid
  Neosorex navigator Baird, 1858 -- invalid
  Notiosorex Coues, 1877 -- valid -- desert shrews
  Notiosorex cockrumi Baker, O'Neill and McAliley, 2003 -- valid -- Cockrum's Gray Shrew
  Notiosorex crawfordi (Coues, 1877) -- valid -- Desert Gray Shrew, Desert Shrew, Musaraña-desértica norteña, Crawford's Gray Shrew
  Notiosorex evotis (Coues, 1877) -- valid -- Large-eared Gray Shrew
  Notiosorex gigas Merriam, 1897 -- invalid
  Notiosorex phillipsii Schaldach, 1966 -- invalid
  Notiosorex villai Carraway and Timm, 2000 -- valid -- Villa's Gray Shrew
  Notiosoricini Reumer, 1984 -- valid -- gray shrews, Mexican shrews
  Pachyura infinitesima Heller, 1912 -- invalid
  Pachyura lixa aequatoria Heller, 1912 -- invalid
  Pachyura malayana Kloss, 1917 -- invalid
  Pachyura megalura Jentink, 1888 -- invalid
  Palawanosorex Hutterer et al., 2018 -- valid
  Palawanosorex muscorum Hutterer et al., 2018 -- valid -- Palawan Moss Shrew
  Paracrocidura Heim de Balsac, 1956 -- valid
  Paracrocidura graueri Hutterer, 1986 -- valid -- Grauer's Large-headed Shrew, Grauer's Shrew
  Paracrocidura maxima Heim de Balsac, 1959 -- valid -- Greater Large-headed Shrew, Greater Shrew
  Paracrocidura schoutedeni Heim de Balsac, 1956 -- valid -- Lesser Large-headed Shrew, Schouteden's Shrew
  Ruwenzorisorex Hutterer, 1986 -- valid
  Ruwenzorisorex suncoides (Osgood, 1936) -- valid -- Ruwenzori Shrew
  Scutisorex Thomas, 1913 -- valid
  Scutisorex somereni (Thomas, 1910) -- valid -- Armored Shrew, Armored Hero Shrew
  Scutisorex thori Stanley, Malekani and Gambalemoke, 2013 -- valid -- Thor's Hero Shrew
  Solisorex Thomas, 1924 -- valid
  Solisorex pearsoni Thomas, 1924 -- valid -- Pearson's Long-clawed Shrew
  Sorex Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid -- red-toothed shrews
  Sorex alaskanus Merriam, 1900 -- valid -- Glacier Bay Water Shrew
  Sorex albibarbis (Cope, 1862) -- valid -- Eastern Water Shrew
  Sorex albibarbis albibarbis (Cope, 1862) -- valid
  Sorex albibarbis gloveralleni Jackson, 1925 -- valid
  Sorex albibarbis labradorensis Burt, 1938 -- valid
  Sorex albibarbis punctulatus Hooper, 1942 -- valid -- southern water shrew
  Sorex albibarbis turneri Johnson, 1951 -- valid
  Sorex alpinus Schinz, 1837 -- valid -- Alpine Shrew
  Sorex alpinus alpinus Schinz, 1837 -- valid
  Sorex alpinus hercynicus G. S. Miller, 1909 -- valid
  Sorex alpinus tatricus Kratochvil and Rosicky, 1952 -- valid
  Sorex altoensis Carraway, 2007 -- valid -- Alto Shrew
  Sorex antinorii Bonaparte, 1840 -- valid -- Valais Shrew
  Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid -- Common Shrew, Eurasian Shrew
  Sorex araneus araneus Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid
  Sorex araneus tomensis Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex arcticus Kerr, 1792 -- valid -- black-backed shrew, saddle-back shrew, musaraigne arctique, Arctic Shrew, musaraigne nordique
  Sorex arcticus arcticus Kerr, 1792 -- valid
  Sorex arcticus laricorum Jackson, 1925 -- valid
  Sorex arizonae Diersing and Hoffmeister, 1977 -- valid -- Musaraña de Arizona, Arizona Shrew
  Sorex asper Thomas, 1914 -- valid -- Tien Shan Shrew
  Sorex bairdi Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- Baird's Shrew
  Sorex bairdi bairdi Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex bairdi permiliensis Jackson, 1918 -- valid
  Sorex bedfordiae Thomas, 1911 -- valid -- Lesser Striped Shrew
  Sorex bedfordiae bedfordiae Thomas, 1911 -- valid
  Sorex bedfordiae gomphus G. M. Allen, 1923 -- valid
  Sorex bedfordiae nepalensis Weigel, 1969 -- valid
  Sorex bedfordiae wardi Thomas, 1911 -- valid
  Sorex bendirii (Merriam, 1884) -- valid -- Bendire's shrew, Bendire's water shrew, Pacific marsh shrew, Marsh Shrew, Pacific water shrew
  Sorex bendirii albiventer Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex bendirii bendirii (Merriam, 1884) -- valid
  Sorex bendirii palmeri Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex brevicaudus Say, 1823 -- invalid
  Sorex buchariensis Ognev, 1921 -- valid -- Buchara Shrew, Pamir Shrew
  Sorex caecutiens Laxmann, 1788 -- valid -- Laxmann's Shrew
  Sorex caecutiens annexus Thomas, 1907 -- valid
  Sorex caecutiens caecutiens Laxmann, 1788 -- valid
  Sorex caecutiens koreni G. M. Allen, 1914 -- valid
  Sorex caecutiens kunashirensis Hutterer and Zaitsev, 2004 -- valid
  Sorex caecutiens laponicus Melander, 1942 -- valid
  Sorex caecutiens macropygmaeus G. S. Miller, 1901 -- valid
  Sorex caecutiens pleskei Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex caecutiens saevus Thomas, 1907 -- valid
  Sorex cafer Sundevall, 1846 -- invalid
  Sorex camtschaticus Yudin, 1972 -- valid -- Kamchatka Shrew
  Sorex cansulus Thomas, 1912 -- valid -- Gansu Shrew
  Sorex carolinensis Bachman, 1837 -- invalid
  Sorex caudatus Horsfield, 1851 -- invalid
  Sorex chiapensis Jackson, 1925 -- valid -- Chiapan Shrew
  Sorex cinereus Kerr, 1792 -- valid -- common shrew, Masked Shrew, musaraigne cendrée, Cinereus Shrew
  Sorex cinereus acadicus Gilpin, 1867 -- invalid
  Sorex cinereus cinereus Kerr, 1792 -- valid
  Sorex cinereus hollisteri Jackson, 1925 -- valid
  Sorex cinereus lesueurii (Duvernoy, 1842) -- valid
  Sorex cinereus miscix Bangs, 1899 -- valid
  Sorex cinereus nigriculus Green, 1932 -- valid -- Tuckahoe masked shrew
  Sorex cinereus ohionensis Bole and Moulthrop, 1942 -- valid
  Sorex cinereus streatori Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex coronatus Millet, 1828 -- valid -- Millet's Shrew, Crowned Shrew
  Sorex cristobalensis Jackson, 1925 -- valid -- Saussure's Shrew
  Sorex cyaneus Duvernoy, 1838 -- invalid
  Sorex cylindricauda A. Milne-Edwards, 1872 -- valid -- Stripe-backed Shrew
  Sorex daphaenodon Thomas, 1907 -- valid -- Siberian Large-toothed Shrew, Large-toothed Siberian Shrew
  Sorex daphaenodon daphaenodon Thomas, 1907 -- valid
  Sorex daphaenodon orii Kuroda, 1933 -- valid
  Sorex daphaenodon sanguinidens G. M. Allen, 1914 -- valid
  Sorex daphaenodon scaloni Ognev, 1933 -- valid
  Sorex dispar Batchelder, 1911 -- valid -- Rock Shrew, musaraigne longicaude, gray long-tailed shrew, Long-tailed Shrew
  Sorex dispar blitchi Schwartz, 1956 -- valid
  Sorex dispar dispar Batchelder, 1911 -- valid
  Sorex dispar gaspensis Anthony and Goodwin, 1924 -- valid -- musaraigne de Gaspé, Gaspé Shrew
  Sorex emarginatus Jackson, 1925 -- valid -- Zacatecas Shrew
  Sorex etruscus Savi, 1822 -- invalid
  Sorex evotis Coues, 1877 -- invalid
  Sorex excelsus G. M. Allen, 1923 -- valid -- Chinese Highland Shrew, Lofty Shrew
  Sorex feroculus Kelaart, 1850 -- invalid
  Sorex flavescens I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827 -- invalid
  Sorex fodiens Pennant, 1771 -- invalid
  Sorex fontinalis Hollister, 1911 -- valid -- eastern shrew, Maryland shrew
  Sorex fulvaster Sundevall, 1843 -- invalid
  Sorex fumeus G. M. Miller, 1895 -- valid -- smokey shrew, musaraigne fuligineuse, Smoky Shrew
  Sorex fumeus fumeus G. M. Miller, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex fumeus umbrosus Jackson, 1917 -- valid
  Sorex fuscomurinus Heuglin, 1865 -- invalid
  Sorex gracillimus Thomas, 1907 -- valid -- Slender Shrew
  Sorex gracillimus gracillimus Thomas, 1907 -- valid
  Sorex gracillimus granti Okhotina, 1993 -- invalid
  Sorex gracillimus minor Okhotina, 1993 -- valid
  Sorex granarius G. S. Miller, 1910 -- valid -- Iberian Shrew, Lagranja Shrew
  Sorex gueldenstaedtii Pallas, 1811 -- invalid
  Sorex haydeni Baird, 1857 -- valid -- Hayden's shrew, Prairie Shrew
  Sorex hosonoi Imaizumi, 1954 -- valid -- Azumi Shrew
  Sorex hoyi Baird, 1857 -- valid -- Pygmy Shrew, musaraigne pygmée, American Pygmy Shrew
  Sorex hoyi alnorum Preble, 1902 -- valid
  Sorex hoyi eximius Osgood, 1901 -- valid
  Sorex hoyi hoyi Baird, 1857 -- valid
  Sorex hoyi montanus (Brown, 1966) -- valid
  Sorex hoyi thompsoni Baird, 1858 -- valid
  Sorex hoyi winnemana (Preble, 1910) -- valid -- southern pygmy shrew
  Sorex hydrodromus Dobson, 1889 -- invalid -- Pribilof Islands shrew
  Sorex ibarrai Matson and McCarthy, 2005 -- valid -- Ibarra's Shrew
  Sorex isodon Turov, 1924 -- valid -- Taiga Shrew, Even-toothed Shrew
  Sorex isodon gravesi Goodwin, 1933 -- valid
  Sorex isodon isodon Turov, 1924 -- valid
  Sorex isodon montanus Skalon and Raevsky, 1940 -- valid
  Sorex isodon princeps Skalon and Raevsky, 1940 -- valid
  Sorex isodon ruthenus Stroganov, 1936 -- valid
  Sorex isodon sachalinensis Okhotina, 1984 -- valid
  Sorex ixtlanensis Carraway, 2007 -- valid -- Ixtlan Shrew
  Sorex jacksoni Hall and Gilmore, 1932 -- valid -- St. Lawrence Island Shrew, Saint Lawrence Island Shrew
  Sorex leucodon Hermann, 1780 -- invalid
  Sorex leucogaster Kuroda, 1933 -- valid -- Paramushir Shrew
  Sorex leucops Horsfield, 1855 -- invalid
  Sorex longirostris Bachman, 1837 -- valid -- Southeastern Shrew
  Sorex longirostris eionis Davis, 1957 -- valid -- Homossassa shrew
  Sorex longirostris fisheri Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- Dismal Swamp southeastern shrew
  Sorex longirostris longirostris Bachman, 1837 -- valid -- southern shrew
  Sorex lyelli Merriam, 1902 -- valid -- Lyell shrew, Mount Lyell shrew, Mt. Lyell Shrew
  Sorex macrodon Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- Large-toothed Shrew
  Sorex madrensis Matson and Ordóñez-Garza, 2017 -- valid -- Sierra Shrew
  Sorex mariquensis A. Smith, 1844 -- invalid
  Sorex maritimensis Smith, 1939 -- valid -- Maritime Shrew
  Sorex mccarthyi Matson and Ordóñez-Garza, 2017 -- valid -- McCarthy's Shrew
  Sorex mediopua Carraway, 2007 -- valid -- Jalisco Shrew
  Sorex merriami Dobson, 1890 -- valid -- Merriam's Shrew
  Sorex milleri Jackson, 1947 -- valid -- Carmen Mountain Shrew
  Sorex minutissimus Zimmermann, 1780 -- valid -- Eurasian Least Shrew, miniscule shrew, Asian minute shrew
  Sorex minutissimus abnormis Stroganov, 1949 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus barabensis Stroganov, 1956 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus caudata Yudin, 1964 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus karelicus Stroganov, 1949 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus minutissimus Zimmermann, 1780 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus neglectus Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus stroganovi Yudin, 1964 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus tscherskii Ognev, 1913 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus tschuktschorum Stroganov, 1949 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus ussuriensis Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex minutissimus yukonicus Dokuchaev, 1997 -- valid -- Alaskan Tiny Shrew
  Sorex minutus Linnaeus, 1766 -- valid -- Eurasian Pygmy Shrew
  Sorex minutus becki Lehmann, 1963 -- valid
  Sorex minutus carpetanus Rey, 1971 -- valid
  Sorex minutus gymnurus Chaworth-Musters, 1932 -- valid
  Sorex minutus heptapotamicus Stroganov, 1956 -- valid
  Sorex minutus lucanius G. S. Miller, 1909 -- valid
  Sorex minutus minutus Linnaeus, 1766 -- valid
  Sorex mirabilis Ognev, 1937 -- valid -- Ussuri Shrew
  Sorex mirabilis kutcheruki Stroganov, 1956 -- valid
  Sorex mirabilis mirabilis Ognev, 1937 -- valid
  Sorex montanus Kelaart, 1850 -- invalid
  Sorex monticolus Merriam, 1890 -- valid -- Montane Shrew, Dusky Shrew
  Sorex monticolus alascensis Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus calvertensis Cowan, 1941 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus elassodon Osgood, 1901 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus insularis Cowan, 1941 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus isolatus Jackson, 1922 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus longicaudus Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus malitiosus Jackson, 1919 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus monticolus Merriam, 1890 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus obscurus Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus parvidens Jackson, 1921 -- valid -- San Bernardino dusky shrew
  Sorex monticolus prevostensis Osgood, 1901 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus setosus Elliot, 1899 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus shumaginensis Merriam, 1900 -- valid
  Sorex monticolus soperi R. M. Anderson and Rand, 1945 -- valid
  Sorex murinus Linnaeus, 1766 -- invalid
  Sorex mutabilis Merriam, 1898 -- valid -- Mutable Shrew
  Sorex nanus Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- Rocky Mountain dwarf shrew, Dwarf Shrew
  Sorex navigator (Baird, 1858) -- valid -- Western Water Shrew
  Sorex navigator brooksi R. M. Anderson, 1934 -- valid
  Sorex navigator navigator (Baird, 1858) -- valid
  Sorex neomexicanus Bailey, 1913 -- valid -- New Mexico Shrew
  Sorex obscurus neomexicanus Bailey, 1913 -- invalid
  Sorex olivieri Lesson, 1827 -- invalid
  Sorex oreopolus Merriam, 1892 -- valid -- Mexican Long-tailed Shrew
  Sorex orizabae Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- Orizaba Long-tailed Shrew
  Sorex ornatus Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- Suisun shrew, Musaraña adornada, Ornate Shrew
  Sorex ornatus californicus Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex ornatus juncensis Nelson and Goldman, 1909 -- valid
  Sorex ornatus lagunae Nelson and Goldman, 1909 -- valid
  Sorex ornatus ornatus Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex ornatus relictus Grinnell, 1932 -- valid -- Buena Vista Lake ornate shrew, Buena Vista Lake shrew
  Sorex ornatus salarius von Bloeker, 1939 -- valid -- Monterey ornate shrew
  Sorex ornatus salicornicus von Bloeker, 1932 -- valid -- salt marsh ornate shrew
  Sorex ornatus sinuosus Grinnell, 1913 -- valid -- Suisun ornate shrew
  Sorex ornatus willetti von Bloeker, 1942 -- valid -- Santa Catalina ornate shrew
  Sorex pachyurus Küster, 1835 -- invalid
  Sorex pacificus Coues, 1877 -- valid -- Pacific Shrew
  Sorex pacificus cascadensis Carraway, 1990 -- valid
  Sorex pacificus pacificus Coues, 1877 -- valid
  Sorex palustris Richardson, 1828 -- valid -- northern water shrew, Water Shrew, musaraigne palustre, American Water Shrew
  Sorex palustris hydrobadistes Jackson, 1926 -- valid
  Sorex palustris palustris Richardson, 1828 -- valid
  Sorex parvus Say, 1823 -- invalid
  Sorex planiceps G. S. Miller, 1911 -- valid -- Kashmir Pygmy Shrew, Kashmir Shrew
  Sorex platycephalus Temminck, 1842 -- invalid
  Sorex poensis Fraser, 1843 -- invalid
  Sorex portenkoi Stroganov, 1956 -- valid -- Portenko's Shrew
  Sorex preblei Jackson, 1922 -- valid -- malheur shrew, Preble's Shrew
  Sorex pribilofensis Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- Pribilof Island Shrew
  Sorex pulchellus Lichtenstein, 1823 -- invalid
  Sorex quadraticauda A. Milne-Edwards, 1872 -- invalid
  Sorex raddei Satunin, 1895 -- valid -- Radde's Shrew
  Sorex religiosus I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827 -- invalid
  Sorex roboratus Hollister, 1913 -- valid -- Flat-skulled Shrew
  Sorex roboratus jakutensis Dukelsky, 1928 -- valid
  Sorex roboratus platycranius Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex roboratus roboratus Hollister, 1913 -- valid
  Sorex roboratus thomasi Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex roboratus vir G. M. Allen, 1914 -- valid
  Sorex rohweri R. L. Rausch, Feagin and V. R. Rausch, 2007 -- valid -- Olympic Shrew
  Sorex russulus Hermann, 1780 -- invalid
  Sorex salvini Merriam, 1897 -- valid -- Salvin's Shrew
  Sorex samniticus Altobello, 1926 -- valid -- Apennine Shrew
  Sorex satunini Ognev, 1922 -- valid -- Caucasian Shrew
  Sorex satunini satunini Ognev, 1922 -- valid
  Sorex satunini stavropolica Sokolov and Tembotov, 1989 -- valid
  Sorex saussurei Merriam, 1892 -- valid -- Saussure's Shrew
  Sorex saussurei mutabilis Merriam, 1898 -- invalid
  Sorex sclateri Merriam, 1897 -- valid -- Sclater's Shrew
  Sorex shinto Thomas, 1905 -- valid -- Shinto Shrew
  Sorex shinto sadonis Yoshiyuki and Imaizumi, 1986 -- valid -- Sado shrew
  Sorex shinto shikokensis Abe, 1967 -- valid
  Sorex shinto shinto Thomas, 1905 -- valid
  Sorex sinalis Thomas, 1912 -- valid -- Chinese Shrew
  Sorex sonomae Jackson, 1921 -- valid -- Fog Shrew, Sonoma shrew
  Sorex sonomae sonomae Jackson, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex sonomae tenelliodus Carraway, 1990 -- valid
  Sorex stizodon Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- San Cristobal Shrew, Pale-toothed Shrew
  Sorex suaveolens Pallas, 1811 -- invalid
  Sorex tenellus Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- great basin dwarf shrew, Inyo Shrew
  Sorex tenellus lyelli Merriam, 1902 -- invalid
  Sorex tenuis Müller, 1840 -- invalid
  Sorex thibetanus Kastschenko, 1905 -- valid -- Tibetan Shrew
  Sorex thibetanus kozlovi Stroganov, 1952 -- valid -- Kozlov's Shrew
  Sorex thibetanus thibetanus Kastschenko, 1905 -- valid
  Sorex thomensis Bocage, 1887 -- invalid
  Sorex trowbridgii Baird, 1857 -- valid -- Trowbridge's Shrew
  Sorex trowbridgii destructioni Scheffer and Dalquest, 1942 -- valid -- Destruction Island shrew
  Sorex trowbridgii humboldtensis Jackson, 1922 -- valid
  Sorex trowbridgii mariposae Grinnell, 1913 -- valid
  Sorex trowbridgii montereyensis Merriam, 1895 -- valid
  Sorex trowbridgii trowbridgii Baird, 1857 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis Merriam, 1900 -- valid -- Tundra Shrew
  Sorex tundrensis baikalensis Ognev, 1913 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis borealis Kastschenko, 1905 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis buxtoni J. A. Allen, 1903 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis parvicaudatus Okhotina, 1976 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis petschorae Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis schnitnikovi Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis sibiriensis Ognev, 1921 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis stroganovi Yudin, 1979 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis transrypheus Stroganov, 1956 -- valid
  Sorex tundrensis tundrensis Merriam, 1900 -- valid
  Sorex ugyunak R. M. Anderson and Rand, 1945 -- valid -- Barren Ground Shrew
  Sorex unguiculatus Dobson, 1890 -- valid -- Long-clawed Shrew
  Sorex vagrans Baird, 1858 -- valid -- wandering shrew, Vagrant Shrew
  Sorex vagrans halicoetes Grinnell, 1913 -- valid -- salt marsh vagrant shrew
  Sorex vagrans paludivagus von Bloeker, 1939 -- valid
  Sorex vagrans vagrans Baird, 1858 -- valid
  Sorex varius Smuts, 1832 -- invalid
  Sorex ventralis Merriam, 1895 -- valid -- Chestnut-bellied Shrew
  Sorex veraecrucis Jackson, 1925 -- valid -- Veracruz Shrew
  Sorex veraecrucis oaxacae Jackson, 1925 -- valid
  Sorex veraecrucis veraecrucis Jackson, 1925 -- valid
  Sorex veraepacis Alston, 1877 -- valid -- Verapaz Shrew
  Sorex viarius I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1834 -- invalid
  Sorex volnuchini Ognev, 1922 -- valid -- Caucasian Pygmy Shrew
  Sorex volnuchini colchicus Sokolov and Tembotov, 1989 -- valid
  Sorex volnuchini volnuchini Ognev, 1922 -- valid
  Soricinae G. Fischer, 1814 -- valid
  Soricini G. Fischer, 1814 -- valid -- long-tailed shrews
  Soriculus Blyth, 1854 -- valid
  Soriculus baileyi Thomas, 1914 -- invalid
  Soriculus caudatus soluensis Gruber, 1969 -- invalid
  Soriculus caudatus umbrinus G. M. Allen, 1923 -- invalid
  Soriculus fumidus Thomas, 1913 -- invalid -- Taiwan Brown-toothed Shrew
  Soriculus hypsibius de Winton, 1899 -- invalid -- De Winton's Shrew
  Soriculus macrurus Blanford, 1888 -- invalid -- Long-tailed Mountain Shrew
  Soriculus nigrescens (Gray, 1842) -- valid -- Himalayan Shrew
  Soriculus nigrescens minor Dobson, 1890 -- invalid
  Soriculus nigrescens nigrescens (Gray, 1842) -- invalid
  Soriculus sacratus Thomas, 1911 -- invalid
  Soriculus salenskii Kastschenko, 1907 -- invalid -- Salenski's Shrew
  Suncus Ehrenberg, 1832 -- valid -- white-toothed shrews
  Suncus aequatorius (Heller, 1912) -- valid -- Taita Shrew
  Suncus ater Medway, 1965 -- valid -- Black Shrew
  Suncus dayi (Dobson, 1888) -- valid -- Day's Shrew
  Suncus etruscus (Savi, 1822) -- valid -- Etruscan Shrew, White-toothed Pygmy Shrew
  Suncus etruscus bactrianus Stroganov, 1958 -- valid
  Suncus etruscus etruscus (Savi, 1822) -- valid
  Suncus etruscus madagascariensis (Coquerel, 1848) -- valid -- Madagascan Shrew, Madagascan Pgymy Shrew
  Suncus etruscus micronyx Blyth, 1855 -- valid
  Suncus etruscus nanula Stroganov, 1941 -- valid
  Suncus etruscus nudipes Blyth, 1855 -- valid
  Suncus etruscus perrottetti Duvernoy, 1842 -- valid
  Suncus fellowesgordoni W. W. A. Phillips, 1932 -- valid -- Sri Lankan Shrew, Sri Lanka Shrew
  Suncus hosei (Thomas, 1893) -- valid -- Bornean Pgymy Shrew, Hose's Shrew
  Suncus hututsi Kerbis Peterhans and Hutterer, 2009 -- valid -- Hutu-Tutsi Dwarf Shrew
  Suncus infinitesimus (Heller, 1912) -- valid -- Least Dwarf Shrew
  Suncus lixa (Thomas, 1898) -- valid -- Greater Dwarf Shrew
  Suncus lixus (Thomas, 1898) -- invalid -- Greater Dwarf Shrew
  Suncus malayanus (Kloss, 1917) -- valid -- Malayan Pygmy Shrew
  Suncus megalurus (Jentink, 1888) -- valid -- Climbing Shrew
  Suncus mertensi Kock, 1974 -- valid -- Flores Shrew
  Suncus montanus (Kelaart, 1850) -- valid -- Asian Highland Shrew, Sri Lanka Highland Shrew
  Suncus murinus (Linnaeus, 1766) -- valid -- house shrew, Asian House Shrew
  Suncus niger Horsfield, 1851 -- valid -- Nilgiri Highland Shrew
  Suncus remyi Brosset, Dubost and Heim de Balsac, 1965 -- valid -- Remy's Pygmy Shrew, Remy's Shrew
  Suncus stoliczkanus (Anderson, 1877) -- valid -- Anderson's Shrew
  Suncus varilla (Thomas, 1895) -- valid -- Lesser Dwarf Shrew
  Suncus zeylanicus Phillips, 1928 -- valid -- Jungle Shrew
  Surdisorex Thomas, 1906 -- valid
  Surdisorex norae Thomas, 1906 -- valid -- Aberdare Mole Shrew, Aberdare Shrew
  Surdisorex polulus Hollister, 1916 -- valid -- Mt. Kenya Mole Shrew, Mt. Kenya Shrew, Mount Kenya Mole Shrew
  Surdisorex schlitteri Kerbis Peterhans et al., 2009 -- valid -- Schlitter's Mole Shrew
  Sylvisorex Thomas, 1904 -- valid
  Sylvisorex akaibei Mukinzi, Hutterer and Barrière, 2009 -- valid -- Akaibe's Forest Shrew
  Sylvisorex camerunensis Heim de Balsac, 1968 -- valid -- Cameroonian Forest Shrew
  Sylvisorex corbeti Hutterer and Montermann, 2009 -- valid -- Corbet's Forest Shrew
  Sylvisorex granti Thomas, 1907 -- valid -- Grant's Forest Shrew, Grant's Shrew
  Sylvisorex granti granti Thomas, 1907 -- valid
  Sylvisorex granti mundus Osgood, 1910 -- valid
  Sylvisorex howelli Jenkins, 1984 -- valid -- Howell's Forest Shrew, Howell's Shrew
  Sylvisorex howelli howelli Jenkins, 1984 -- valid
  Sylvisorex howelli usambarensis Hutterer, 1986 -- valid
  Sylvisorex isabellae Heim de Balsac, 1968 -- valid -- Bioko Forest Shrew, Isabella Shrew
  Sylvisorex johnstoni (Dobson, 1888) -- valid -- Johnston's Forest Shrew, Johnston's Shrew
  Sylvisorex konganensis Ray and Hutterer, 1996 -- valid -- Kongana Shrew, Kongana Forest Shrew
  Sylvisorex lunaris Thomas, 1906 -- valid -- Moon Forest Shrew, Crescent Shrew
  Sylvisorex morio (Gray, 1862) -- valid -- Mt. Cameroon Forest Shrew, Arrogant Shrew, Mount Cameroon Forest Shrew
  Sylvisorex ollula Thomas, 1913 -- valid -- Greater Forest Shrew, Forest Muskshrew
  Sylvisorex oriundus Hollister, 1916 -- valid -- Lesser Forest Shrew, Mountain Shrew
  Sylvisorex pluvialis Hutterer and Schlitter, 1996 -- valid -- Rainforest Shrew, Rain Forest Shrew
  Sylvisorex silvanorum Hutterer, Riegert and Sedlacek, 2009 -- valid -- Bamenda Forest Shrew
  Sylvisorex somereni Thomas, 1910 -- invalid
  Sylvisorex suncoides Osgood, 1936 -- invalid
  Sylvisorex vulcanorum Hutterer and Verheyen, 1985 -- valid -- Volcano Shrew, Volcano Forest Shrew
  Uropsilus aequodonenia Liu Yang et al., 2013 -- valid -- Equivalent-teeth Shrew Mole
  Uropsilus andersoni (Thomas, 1911) -- valid -- Anderson's Shrew Mole
  Uropsilus gracilis (Thomas, 1911) -- valid -- Gracile Shrew Mole
  Uropsilus soricipes A. Milne-Edwards, 1871 -- valid -- Chinese Shrew Mole

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