Integrated Taxonomic Information System - DwC-A File Format

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ITIS DwC-A File Format

To facilitate the exchange of taxonomic data within the biodiversity informatics community the Global Biodiversity Information Facility created Darwin Core Archive (DwCA), a data standard with features that permit exchange of taxonomic data. On the ITIS single name report page of valid or accepted names there is an option to download ITIS data in DwCA format. ITIS DwCA file is a self contained zipped (.zip) archive consisting of three files. The first file, taxa.txt, includes a header row of the fields mapped to the ITIS standards as described in ITIS Darwin Core Archive Layout and Data Application. The second file, meta.xml, describes the core taxa.txt file in terms of the DwCA format. The third file, eml.xml, describes the common attributes of the records in taxa.txt

For complete definitions of ITIS data elements see ITIS Data Model. For a complete list of Darwin Core terms and their definition see the Darwin Core Terms Quick Reference Guide.

ITIS DwCA Record Layout, with field names and descriptions

A taxonomic serial number, TSN, assigned for occurrences of Taxonomic Units at each level of the hierarchy through genus and for all polynomial infrageneric Taxonomic Units

The TSN of the valid/accepted name used to link a synonym (invalid/ not accepted name) to corresponding name

The TSN of the valid/accepted name that is the direct parent of the subject occurrence in taxonID

Full scientific name derived concatenated name elements including taxon authorship if applicable

Taxon authorship, formatted per the governing nomenclatural code

Kingdom in which the valid/accepted name is classified

Phylum or Division in which the valid/accepted name is classified

Class in which the valid/accepted name is classified

Order in which the valid/accepted name is classified

Superfamily in which the valid/accepted name is classified

Family in which the valid/accepted name is classified

Genus in which the valid/accepted infrageneric name is classified, or the first term of the scientific name for species and below

Subgenus in which the valid/accepted name is classified

The second term of the scientific name for species and below

The third term of the scientific name for subspecies and below

The rank name for a level in the taxonomic hierarchy

The status of the use of the scientificName

Derived effective date of the record

The publication containing the original description

A taxonomic serial number, TSN, assigned for occurrences of Taxonomic Units at each level of the hierarchy through genus and for all polynomial infrageneric Taxonomic Units

Subspecific rank indicator

Notes about the taxon or name

Pipe delimited hierarchy from the trunk down to branch immediately superior to scientificName

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